Jumat, 21 Desember 2012


oh my god OH MY GOD!!!!!!! they're comeback!!!!our girls aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

ehm ehm sorry, i'm too excited >_<

i captured it!! kkkkkk~ they're SO-DAMN-BEAUTIFUL!!

CUTE ISN'T IT? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i wanna scream!!!!

Individual part

Uri "kid leader Kim" Taeyeon
Like a gangsta(?) right? So cool >_<;

I like her style.. And her eye contacs's colour!! BEAUTY leader
uhh i think she's not a "kid" anymore, right? you know what i mean kkkk~ ^^v

Our "Deer" Yoona

I can't said it anymore. but SHE'S ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL T_T

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!! Her smile!!!

"Eye Smile" Tiffany

OMG i like her hair>_<;

You want to smile with her, don't you?

Our Sooyoungie~

Soooooooooooooooooooo CHARMING ^^

Look at her! Like a top models right?

"Ice Princess" Jessica~

Look!! Look!! So "icy" >_<;

I think she's like a real princess with an "attribute" on her head ^^v


she's grown like a"real woman".. ah you know what i mean. I like her hair style!! ^^v

"Dancing Queen" Hyoyeon~

So SEXY >-<;

Her eyes ssaid: "we back" kkkkk~

"Aegyo Queen" Sunny~

She's come with her "purple hair"! Look fresh!

I like her pose :D

"Black Pearl" Yuri~~~

I LOVE THIS THE MOST!!!!!!!!!!!! Colourful hair >-<

Her Colour Hair,Style,Colour eyes, and her gaze... Look like a vampire kkkk~ so cold and charismatic^^

and the last.... ALL OF THEM

Just need one word: PERFECTION!!!


Just wait and see, They'll comeback!!!!!! ^^

3 komentar:

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